Cherry Eyes (Prolapsed third eyelid)
pics submitted by Gail Knapp
There are many thoughts and theories why some bulldogs get "cherry eyes" or sometimes called "prolapsed third eyelid". Some beleive
it is genetic in origin, while others beleive stress, allergies, eye shape, and ruff-housing contribute to this condition.
Regardless of how this condition happens there are 2 accepted forms of dealing with this condition. Some vets perform
a simple removal of this gland while some vets perform a "tuck" procedure. Either procedure has it's good points and bad.
"Tucking" the gland back into a slit in the third eyelid leaves the gland intact allowing the eye
to water properly. The downside to this procedure is "tucking" is not always fool-proof,it's costly and the gland can
pop out again and again requiring additional surgery. A vet must be experienced with this procedure also as many eyes have
been ruined in appearence by a novice vet. "Removing" the cherry eye is a simple procedure in itself,
but long range problems "can" or "may" occur leading to dry eye. Either procedure is the personal choice of the owner. Be
wary of vets who charge high prices for cherry eye removal also. The removal does not require in most cases a specialist.
Keep the eye clean until you can see a vet.